Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Professional Conversion of Tape to DVD

There are several logical reasons for wanting to convert tape to DVD. Over a period of time both audio and video tape tends to degrade. The result of age is that audio or video tape gets jammed and scratched besides being attacked by fungus. Therefore, people may need to preserve their sentimental audio or video tape while government bodies may have the requirement of preserving recorded matter for history or posterity.

When you transfer audio or video tape to DVD you are sorting out a number of problems. At one stroke one gets rid of the environmental issue almost totally. Digitisation has other advantages. One is able to store much more data when the product is DVD than when it is tape. But, the major reasons for wanting to convert tape to DVD besides durability are two. Firstly, one can docket the data easily when the product is digitally acquired. One can also retrieve the stored data easily. Further, if one is interested in duplication or replication, the task is simpler when the data is in the form of a DVD. Also, keeping the data in a hard disc actually is the best method by which one can retain one’s data for posterity.

There are companies such as A1D that can professionally transfer tape to DVD from even the standard audio cassette to the latest digital media formats at very affordable prices. A1D has the expertise of mastering audio CD, data CD, hybrid DVD 5, 9 and 10. The company can also create master discs from tape formats such as VHS-C or 8mm or any other source with customizable chapters and menus. The professional equipment can convert your VHS to DVD as well as S-VHS (Super VHS) and SVHS-C (Super VHS-Compact) among others. 

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